Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Management

Volunteers are the fuel that power associations. ASAE offers a variety of ways for our members to get involved, from short-term volunteer projects to committee, council, and board service. With every new volunteer, ASAE grows more energized, more diverse and inclusive, and better equipped to reach our common goals.

We encourage you to deepen your engagement with ASAE and your association peers. Volunteer today!

Short-term Commitments

Throughout the year, ASAE posts current volunteer opportunities in the Volunteer Town Square in Collaborate, ASAE’s members-only online social network. This is a great way to find volunteer opportunities that fit your interests and the time you have available.

Volunteer Leadership

When you want to take your participation to the next level, consider volunteering for one of ASAE’s volunteer leadership groups. The chair of the ASAE Board appoints council and committee volunteers for one-year terms that are renewable for up to three years, contingent on your participation in the group. Many of these groups require attendance at two face-to-face meetings per term.

ASAE’s volunteer leadership groups are listed below. Applications are generally accepted every spring and fall. Once you select an opportunity and submit your application, it will be reviewed by ASAE volunteer leadership. You will be notified of the outcome within a few weeks.

Advocacy Council. Provides oversight to ASAE’s government relations and policy work. Advises ASAE in how to improve programs and services for Government Relations & Advocacy members. Identifies hot topic, perennial, and high-level issues to share/advise ASAE staff and Government Relations & Advocacy professionals. Engages ASAE members in the Government Relations & Advocacy Community through a variety of in-person and online communication vehicles.

ASAE ForesightWorks Advisory Group. Supports the ASAE ForesightWorks initiative by providing guidance for futures research, strategic initiatives, education, tools, and resources that will help associations apply and embrace foresight. The advisory group supports the ASAE Research Foundation in reaching its strategic goals and ensuring the information disseminated is timely, accurate, useful, and actionable to meet the needs of associations professionals and the association community.

ASAE Political Action Committee. APAC raises and dispenses funds to provide financial support to candidates for federal office who are supportive of ASAE in government affairs issues. Provides accounting for funds as segregated from ASAE general funds.

Audit Committee. The Audit Committee acts on behalf of the boards of directors and oversees all material aspects of the organization’s financial reporting, internal control, and audit functions. The committee coordinates with other board committees and maintains a strong, positive working relationship with management, external auditors, finance staff, counsel, and other committee advisors.

Awards Committee. This committee administers the ASAE Key Award and Academy of Leaders Award according to policies established by the board of directors and is responsible for promotion of awards and selection of recipients.

CAE Appeals Committee. This committee hears appeals made by CAE candidates or CAEs involving exam content and administration or the CAE Commission’s interpretation of eligibility, renewal, or credential revocation standards or determinations. The CAE Appeals Committee is composed of past CAE commissioners.

CAE Commission. This independent certifying agency of ASAE is responsible for setting policy and standards related to the Certified Association Executive program. CAE Commission members must have earned and maintained the CAE designation.

CAE Examination Committee. This committee is responsible for reviewing and editing examination questions, making the final selection of items that comprise each test form, and recommending the passing score to the CAE Commission for approval. The Exam Committee is also responsible for monitoring the items in the CAE item bank and for retiring existing items or recoding them to appropriate references. The Exam Committee meets in person twice each year in October and March and has at least two conference calls (late May and December).

CAE Item-Writing Committee. This committee is responsible for drafting proposed CAE exam items on an ongoing basis and coding each item to an appropriate reference. The Item-Writing Committee currently meets in person three times each year.

CAE Professional Conduct Committee. The PCC is responsible for investigating, deliberating, and bringing to resolution, according to the CAE Rules and Policies [PDF], all complaints against certificants. The PCC meets as necessary, usually by conference call.

CAE Registered Provider Committee. Responsible for reviewing, evaluating, monitoring, and approving registered professional development offered by a CAE Registered Provider that meets the CAE Program’s standards to earn or maintain the Certified Association Executive credential.

Communication Professionals Advisory Council. The Communication Professionals Advisory Council serves as a support to communications professionals in the association and nonprofit industry by collecting and disseminating best practices and providing resources and tools in the areas of print and electronic publishing, online communication, public relations, media relations, and presentations.

Learn more about the Communication Professionals Community

Component Relations and Volunteer Management Professionals Advisory Council. The Component Relations and Volunteer Management Professionals Advisory Council guides and recommends content for ASAE's Component Relations and Volunteer Management Professionals Community related to chapter, affiliate, section, and other component relations and management issues.

Learn more about the Component Relations and Volunteer Management Professionals Community

Development Committee. The ASAE Foundation Development Committee supports the work of the ASAE Foundation by raising awareness about the value of the foundation and its research and identifying and securing financial resources within the association community. Committee members leverage their professional relationships and affiliations to solicit donations directly from individuals, organizations, and for-profit companies.

Diversity + Inclusion Committee. The D+I Committee works to promote a greater understanding of why supporting diversity within associations and fostering a culture of inclusion are a business imperative for the industry. The committee creates community within ASAE’s membership around D+I topics, helps identify ways to greater engage underrepresented groups (as well as the greater ASAE membership) in these topics, and develops resources to increase the cultural competency of association professionals and staff.

Ethics Committee. The committee reviews The ASAE Standards of Conduct to identify and recommend appropriate revisions. This committee serves to create forums where members can examine the ethics of their actions; stimulate the expression of appropriate behaviors for association executives, the associations they represent, their volunteer leaders, and their suppliers; and identify ways that association executives can help members examine their actions in the context of their impact on society. 

Executive Management Professionals Advisory Council. The Executive Management Professionals Advisory Council is composed of association thought leaders who guide and recommend content for ASAE programs, events, publications, and other resources related to the needs and interests of CEOs and senior staff executives.

Learn more about the Executive Management Professionals Community

Finance and Business Operations Professionals Advisory Council. The Finance and Business Operations Professionals Advisory Council identifies pertinent areas of content related to financial, human resources, and administration/operations management issues. The group also creates content and works to foster a sense of community within its functional area.

Learn more about the Finance and Business Operations Professionals Community

Finance Committee. The Finance Committee is responsible for budgeting, financial reporting, contingency planning, investment policy, reserve policy, and the financial effect of employee benefits. The committee prepares monthly reports to the Executive Committees and assists other committees and staff, including the Planning Committee.

The Gold Circle Award (GCA) Committee - advises and assists ASAE with administering the Gold Circle Awards program that recognizes excellence in associations marketing, membership, and communications programs. The GCA Committee works to maintain year-round recognition of the GCA program by connecting great ideas and great people to inspire leadership and achievement within the association community.

Healthcare Community Advisory Committee. This committee brings together senior staff members of healthcare organizations in a community to address the educational, networking, and knowledge needs of these members. The community provides networking opportunities, operates a Collaborate discussion group (open to volunteer members), recommends educational programs, and disseminates the latest trends affecting management of healthcare organizations.

Industry Partner Alliance. The IPA represents the interests of those who provide products and services to associations. The Alliance advises the boards of directors on issues of importance and develops programs and services that increase the value of Industry Partner membership in ASAE.

International Associations Advisory Council. The International Associations Advisory Council supports association executives whose role in associations includes international activities and outreach. The role also includes support for the growing field of association management worldwide.

Learn more about the International Association Professionals Community

Key Global Associations Committee. KGAC facilitates the exchange of information among executives of key global associations and societies and reviews the programs and activities of ASAE in terms of meeting the needs of these executives. Membership is composed of the chief staff executives of individual and trade associations.

Key Industry Associations Committee. The KIAC facilitates the exchange of information among executives of key industry associations and reviews the programs and activities of ASAE in terms of meeting the needs of these executives. Membership is composed of the chief staff executives of key industry associations.

Key Professional Associations Committee. The KPAC facilitates the exchange of information among executives of key professional associations and societies and reviews the programs and activities of ASAE in terms of meeting the needs of these executives. Membership is composed of the chief staff executives of key professional associations.

Leadership Committee. The Leadership Committee develops a slate of candidates for board service that exemplifies the professional executive profile articulated in the strategic plan and seeks board members representing the diversity of ASAE’s executive membership, including geography, organization size, gender, and ethnic balance. The committee seeks board members representing a cross-section from the three primary membership areas of trade, professional, and philanthropic organizations.

Marketing Professionals Advisory Council . The Marketing Professionals Advisory Council assists ASAE staff in providing activities, products, and services for members with the goal of enhancing their work and the work of the associations they represent.
Learn more about the Marketing Professionals Community

Meetings and Expositions Professionals Advisory Council. The Meetings & Expositions Professionals Advisory Council provides guidance and recommends content to ASAE members and the association community, while enhancing the knowledge and best practices of individuals involved in association meetings and expositions. The council collaborates with professionals across the supply chain to shape and plan for the future of the industry.

Learn more about the Meetings and Expositions Professionals Community

Membership Professionals Advisory Council. The Membership Professionals Advisory Council contributes valuable resources, provides feedback on appropriate ASAE educational opportunities, and creates community among membership professionals. 

Learn more about the Membership Professionals Community 

Power of Associations Committee. This committee provides volunteer guidance to and expands awareness of ASAE’s Power of Associations campaign. The Power of Associations is the industry brand created to showcase how associations leverage their unique resources to solve problems, advance industry/professional performance, kick-start innovation, and improve world conditions. Associations are involved in activities every day that make a substantial, positive impact on our lives.

Professional Development Professionals Advisory Council. The Professional Development Professionals Advisory Council exists to help ASAE best serve members of the Professional Development Professionals Community. The council seeks to provide resources that advance member knowledge, competency, and professionalism through samples/models, learning/editorial content, networking, and community engagement. The council also advises ASAE on programs for learning professionals regarding needs, issues, and trends in education and credentialing.

Learn more about the Professional Development Professionals Community

Research Committee. Supports the ASAE Research Foundation’s strategic research initiatives by providing insight, guidance, and expertise that fosters and promotes the use of research to identify effective association practices, policies, and skills. 

Small-Staff Associations Advisory Committee. This committee advocates for the approximately one-third of ASAE members working at small-staff associations—those with nine or fewer full-time employees, regardless of budget size. The committee reviews ASAE's programs, services, products, and activities and evaluates whether they meet the needs of small-staff association professionals. The committee helps develop relevant educational content advises ASAE on content for ASAE's publications, monitors discussions in the Small-Staff Association Professionals Collaborate group, and strives to increase community and engagement among small-staff association members.

Technology Professionals Advisory Council. The Technology Professionals Advisory Council guides content development on technology topics, advises staff on programs such as the annual ASAE Technology Conference & Expo, and creates a sense of community among association IT professionals. 

Learn more about the Technology Professionals Community

Young Professionals Advisory Committee. This committee guides and recommends activities for ASAE’s young association professionals that build community and learning opportunities that are relevant to young association professionals today. It helps create a foundation for ASAE’s young professionals by working together with ASAE volunteer leaders and staff.