Building a Culture of Continuous Innovation

Yancey-Continuous Innovation February 28, 2024 By: Drew Yancey

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, fostering a culture of continuous innovation is critical for associations to remain relevant, provide member value, and carry out their missions. Innovation allows associations to adapt to changing member needs, leverage new technologies, and withstand disruptions.

One of the constant themes heard from association leaders is the priority of innovation and creating new value for members. And yet, in MGI’s 2022 Membership Benchmarking Report, less than 25% of Associations said they had a process in place for driving innovation. How can association leaders cultivate a mindset of continuous innovation? Here are three key strategies for success.

Empower Staff and Board

Encourage autonomy and flexibility. Autonomy is a powerful motivator. When the staff and the board feel they have control over their work, they are more likely to think creatively and take initiative. Flexible work arrangements, such as remote work options and flexible hours, can also contribute to an innovative mindset by allowing stakeholders to work in environments that best suit their creativity.

Offer professional development around design thinking. According to McKinsey research, design-thinking training enables more holistic and human-centric solutions. Equipping association leaders with design-thinking skills can accelerate innovative outcomes.

Foster a safe environment for taking risks. Fear of failure is one of the biggest barriers to innovation. Creating a culture where taking calculated risks is encouraged and where failures are viewed as learning opportunities can significantly boost innovative thinking. For example, a healthcare association might have a "Learning Lab" where staff could pitch new ideas and experiment with them in a low-stakes setting. Projects that failed would be analyzed for lessons learned, and these insights shared organization-wide. This not only normalizes failure but can also lead to the successful launch of new innovations.

Support Creative Collaboration

Build multidisciplinary teams with experienced leadership. Teams with diverse skill sets and perspectives outproduce homogenous teams. Research has found that strong leadership experience is crucial to balancing the diversity of skill-sets.  

Nourish idea-sharing. Whether it’s regular brainstorming sessions, suggestion boxes, or digital platforms for sharing ideas, having a digital system in place where association stakeholders can easily share their thoughts can lead to unexpected and groundbreaking innovations. Several trade associations have implemented digital innovation platforms where members can submit ideas, vote on them, and comment on proposals. This can lead to other innovations, like the launch of a mentorship program that connects emerging industry entrepreneurs with seasoned executives, fostering a vibrant community of innovators.

Recognize and Reward Innovation

Establish clear metrics for innovation. What gets measured gets innovated. Establishing clear, achievable metrics for innovation helps in recognizing and tracking innovative efforts. This might include the number of new ideas implemented, the impact of these ideas on business processes, or improvements in member satisfaction. An association of educators, for example, might develop a set of innovation metrics that included the number of new teaching methods adopted, the percentage increase in student engagement, and feedback scores from educational stakeholders. This approach not only clarifies the goals but also demonstrate the tangible impact of innovation on educational outcomes.

Spotlight innovators within the association. Innovation is infectious. When people see successful innovation on display, they have more motivation and clarity to spark their own efforts. Leverage annual awards, regular communication, and visual storytelling to showcase inspiring examples. A professional association for the food industry launched an annual "Innovator Spotlight" campaign, featuring members who had made significant contributions to the field through pioneering research, inventive solutions, or impactful community projects. These stories were shared through newsletters, webinars, and at the annual conference, inspiring a culture of innovation across the membership.

Building a culture of continuous innovation requires a multifaceted approach that empowers stakeholders, fosters creative collaboration, and recognizes and rewards innovation. By implementing these strategies, organizations can create an environment where innovation thrives, ensuring long-term success and adaptability in an ever-changing world.

Drew Yancey

Drew Yancey, Ph.D., is the founder of Teleios Strategy, a leading strategy advisory firm. He has more than 15 years of strategy consulting and executive leadership experience across multiple industries. He has authored two books and is a frequent keynote speaker.