Five Ways Associations Can Elevate Their Industries, Members, and Staff

Smith_Five Ways Associations Can Elevate Their Industries January 19, 2021 By: Ryan Smith

By embracing these five elements, associations will be on the way to not only improving the industries they represent but also their members and volunteers.

Research has shown that younger generations, including my fellow millennials, are purpose driven. It is this drive that compels us to have high expectations of where we work and why we work there. In essence, we want to make a difference and know that what we did mattered.

Throughout my work as an association professional, I have seen moments where associations have been able to shine and live up to the expectations of young professionals evaluating their career paths. The endless talent pool we have available to us through those we represent, as well as those we attract to the industry, can set us up for success. Associations are mission-focused, with a dedication to serving the people and groups we represent. We are also influential. This influence can make a major difference to the growth and development of those who associate with us, while also ensuring that the association industry mirrors that growth and development.

Associations that focus on recognizing, supporting, and elevating the people who support them can expect to operate better.

If associations embrace these five elements, they can elevate their industries and those they represent to their highest potential.

Prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion. Associations bring people of various backgrounds together, and no association can last long if it doesn’t embrace and prioritize DEI. Associations that have staff in positions at all levels who come from different backgrounds are better-suited to address a wider variety of volunteers, members, and anyone else interested in involvement. In addition, by making DEI a strategic priority and then taking action, associations will attract better job candidates.

Be the bridge between worlds. At their core, associations maintain value by being a network for the industries they represent. Through these connections, those involved with associations build off one another, collaborate, and develop new strategies that never would have existed without that connection. In turn, because we are representative of different industries, associations that partner with each other can provide another level of collaboration and strategic thinking that elevate industries and groups to even higher levels of success and innovation.

Serve as a space beyond the workplace. Those who are involved with associations volunteer their time and energy for causes they care about—often outside of traditional work hours. However, this volunteer work comes with both personal and professional benefits. For example, volunteers can bring back what they learn while serving associations to their own workplaces.

Focus on the human element. Associations are nothing without the support and backing of people. Humans associate with one another, and it is in our nature to connect with others. Associations that focus on recognizing, supporting, and elevating the people who support them can expect to operate better. Industries and workplaces come and go, but what does not go away is how that association made one feel. I think back on volunteers and members I have personally helped in the past and how to this day they still reach out to me and thank me for all I did for them.

Project into the future. Associations, just like any workplace, must make projections into the future to ensure they have properly planned and strategized. The difference for associations is that they also must take in to account the future of the industry they are representing. Being in this position to think at a higher level provides an opportunity for associations to be thought leaders and influential forces.

With the right focus and dedication, the association industry has the potential to make a difference. Involvement with associations also has endless possibilities and opportunities for growth and development, which continues to inspire me to continue down my path as an association professional.

Ryan Smith

Ryan Smith is an associate at Association Management Strategies, Inc., in Washington, DC.