CAE Ethics Courses


Courses Fulfilling the CAE Ethics Requirement

Beginning with certificants due to renew in 2020, of the 40 credits required, one credit must be focused on ethics. The course(s) must be directly related to either association or nonprofit as defined by the CAE exam content outline. The course(s) should have "ethics" or "ethical" in the title or within the official course description. Multiple courses may be taken to complete the ethics requirement as long as the total time of the eligible ethics courses adds up to a minimum of 1 CAE credit (1 clock hour), e.g., two 30-minutes courses or two 45-minute courses.

The live sessions and online courses listed below will help you meet that requirement.

Upcoming Live Sessions 

On-Demand Online Learning

Please note: Due to the transition of ASAE Learning Online to ASAE Academy via Maple LMS, the below ethics courses are temporarily unavailable. The new ASAE Academy will launch Fall 2024 and learners will once again be able to purchase our digital learning programs or access the free member library

  • Ethical Considerations in Conscious Inclusion and DEIA
    3 CAE credits

  • Leading with Ethics and Creating an Ethical Environment
    1 CAE Credit

  • Ethical Standards and PMI Core Values (Note: This course is less than the 1 credit hour required and will need to be taken in combination with other qualifying ethics content to fulfill the requirement.)

  • Integrity in the Workplace (Note: This course is less than the 1 credit hour required and will need to be taken in combination with other qualifying ethics content to fulfill the requirement.)

  • Distribution and E-Marketing Ethics in the Marketing Mix (Note: This course is less than the 1 credit hour required and will need to be taken in combination with other qualifying ethics content to fulfill the requirement.)

  • Code of Conduct Awareness (Note: This course is less than the 1 credit hour required and will need to be taken in combination with other qualifying ethics content to fulfill the requirement.) 

Other Qualifying Sessions

You may have previously attended a session that qualifies for the ethics credit. Here’s a list of recent popular offerings that help you meet the requirement and could already be in your ASAE transcript. Note, for sessions that may have been attended within a conference, those would not be listed independently of the bulk credits received on your ASAE transcript and would need to be listed manually within the CAE application.

Courageous Ethical Leadership in Associations: Online Seminar Series

  • Courageous Ethical Leadership

  • Ethics of Social Impact in Associations

  • Ethics of Accessibility and Inclusion

4/17-4/19-2023 3 CAE Credits

MM&C Conference – 2023

  • Mitigating The Forces of Multiple Voices: When Ethics and DEI Align for Greater Member Impact

6/21/2023 0.75 CAE Credits

ASAE Annual Meeting – 2024

  • Venturing Into Tomorrow’s Learning Landscape With Ethics in EducAItion
    1 CAE Credit

  • Ethics Live! Roleplay and Practice in Responding to Real Violations
    1 CAE Credit

ASAE Annual Meeting – 2023

  • Navigating the Pitfalls of a Code of Ethics
    1 CAE Credit

  • Copycats or Copyrights? Exploring the Impact of Generative AI
    1 CAE Credit

  • Everyday Ethics for the Association Executive
    1 CAE Credit

  • Culture, Ethics & Leadership
    4.5 CAE credits

MM&C Conference – 2022

  • Ethics for Marketing, Membership, and Communications Professionals (M&E)
    0.75 CAE credits 

  • What’s Ethics Got to Do with It? Responsible Content Curation (C&O)-Express Lab
    .5 CAE credits 

  • Why the Ethics of Your Members Make a Difference for Your Customers (M&E)
    0.75 CAE credits 

Ethics in Association Online Seminar Series:

  • Ethics in Association: Ethics: Meet the Experts

  • Ethics in Association: Unpacking ASAE’s Ethics Toolkit

  • Ethics in Association: Ethical Consideration in Event Location

4/5-7/2022 3 CAE Credits

  • Certification in the Time of COVID: The Ethics and Business of Making Professional Development Available Equitably and Inclusively: Price-Point-Setting Strategies for International and Global Credentialing Program
    1 CAE credit

ASAE Annual Meeting – 2021

  • Ethics 101 for Association Professionals?
    0.75 CAE credits

Essentials of Association Ethics Online Seminar Series

  • Codes of Ethics: Mitigating Your Association’s Legal Risk

  • Building A Culture of Ethics in Your Organization

  • Handling Difficult Conversations with Members- An Ethics Perspective

  • Developing an Ethics-First IT Strategy

7/13/2021 4 CAE Credits

Exceptional Boards, Strengthening the Governance Team

  • The Board's Ethical, Fiduciary and Accountability Role Characteristics and Principles of Exceptional Boards
    1.5 CAE credits


  • Association Advocacy and Ethics in 2021: Navigating a Changing Landscape
    1 CAE Credit


  • Navigating a Successful Return to the Office
    1 CAE credit

Exceptional Boards

  • The Board's Ethical, Fiduciary and Accountability Role Characteristics and Principles of Exceptional Boards
    1.5 CAE credits


  • Aligning Norms, Core Values and Codes of Conduct – A CEO Dialogue
    1 CAE credit

TEC - 2020:

  • Data Ethics: Do the Right Thing(s) With Your Data
    0.75 CAE credits

  • Will Humans Be Second?: Critical Choices for the Coming AI-First World
    0.75 CAE credits

Exceptional Boards: Strengthening the Governance Team

  • The Board's Ethical, Fiduciary and Accountability Role Characteristics and Principles of Exceptional Boards
    1.5 CAE credits

ASAE Annual Meeting – 2020

  • Unenforceable? Associations and Codes of Ethics/Conduct in 2020—A Legal Deep Dive
    0.75 CAE credits

ASAE Annual Meeting – 2019

  • Unpacking ASAE’s Ethics Toolkit
    1.5 CAE credits




More Questions?

Get the answers you need on our FAQ page, or contact:

Jamar Wright, CAE
Director, Credentialing

Elizabeth Twitchell, CAE
Manager, Credentialing