Data: Employers Get Comfortable With Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible Work Associations Now September/October 2018 Issue

Meeting staff demands for more flexible work arrangements doesn’t faze most nonprofit employers these days.

More than half (54 percent) of nonprofits surveyed this year by the BDO Institute for Nonprofit Success said accommodating requests for modified schedules is just a low-level challenge, and another 18 percent said it’s not a challenge at all. “This likely reflects the fact that many organizations have flexible work policies already in place and may feel they are adequately addressing employee demand,” according to BDO.

Percentage of Nonprofits With the Most Common Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible Work Schedules


Flexible Leave Arrangements




Remote Work Arrangements


Source: Nonprofit Standards, A Benchmarking Survey, June 2018, The BDO Institute for Nonprofit Success

[This article was originally published in the Associations Now print edition, titled "Easy Flexing."]