CAE Certificant Demographics

The data below was collected from 1,717 current CAE certificants during the 2022 ASAE CAE Annual Survey. The survey collected individual and organizational demographics, job-related responsibilities, financial compensation, as well as overall satisfaction with the CAE Program.  

Find out more about the CAE Program 

Notable data collected: 

  • Seven out of 10 (70.8%) CAE respondents indicated their responsibilities increased after receiving their CAE while just over one-quarter (27.5%) mentioned no change in their responsibilities. 
  • Nearly half (48.1%) of the respondents received a merit promotion since earning the CAE certification while 66.2% received a merit pay increase. Of those who earned their CAE in the last three years (2020, 2021, 2022), 22.7% received a merit promotion and 44.0% received a pay increase. 
  • Nearly two-thirds (64.2%) agree that earning their CAE certification increased their networking opportunities; three-quarters agree their CAE certification both advanced their career (75.2%) and increased their sense of community (75.8%) within the association industry. 
  • CAEs are mostly satisfied with their experience. Nearly nine in 10 (88.9%) agree that participation in ASAE’s CAE Program was a good use of their time. Virtually all (95.4%) CAE respondents have had their expectations either “met” (79.5%) or “exceeded” (15.9%) and three quarters (75.7%) are satisfied with their CAE Program experience.  


Race Ethnicity

Ethnicity Race

Gender Identity

Gender Identity

Birth Year of Current CAEs


Highest Level of Education

Age Group

Job Function

Org Type

Current Job Title

Job Title

Current Job Function

Job Function

Number of Staff Members at Current Organization

Staff at Org

Number of Years as an association professional

Number of staff members