ASAE Announces Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Fund in Honor of John H. Graham IV, FASAE, CAE

February 27, 2020

WASHINGTON— In celebration of the life and legacy of John H. Graham IV, FASAE, ASAE’s Board of Directors has approved the creation of a diversity, equity, and inclusion fund established through the ASAE Research Foundation. This fund will remain partially restricted to diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, which will allow resources from the fund to be allocated to any DEI program as needed, as guided by volunteers and determined by staff.

“John’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives throughout his career has made a lasting impact in the association community,” said ASAE Board Chair, Patricia V. Blake, FASAE, CAE, and CEO of the Heart Rhythm Society. “While we continue to mourn his passing, the establishment of this fund will ensure his passion for DEI will continue.”

ASAE’s Board of Directors has approved a cash distribution of $100,000 to commemorate John and ignite fundraising for the Fund. Additionally, the ASAE Board has approved a match of all gifts at a 1:1 ratio. ASAE members, associations, industry partners, and friends who choose to honor John in this way can expect 100% of these funds to support the various diversity, equity, and inclusion programs of ASAE.

“The decision of the ASAE Fellows and Past Chairs to establish this fund in John’s memory is a fitting tribute,” said Susan Robertson, CAE, Interim ASAE president and CEO. “His commitment to DEI will be reflected through the experiences of the next generation of association professionals who will benefit from the future programs this fund will help support.”

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MEDIA CONTACT: Lauren Precker, CAE,, 202-626-2735.

About ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership
ASAE is celebrating 100 years of making society smarter, better and safer. The Centennial anniversary represents ASAE’s role as a leader and supporter of progress and innovation in the association industry. ASAE is a membership organization of more than 48,000 association executives and industry partners representing 7,400 organizations. Since it was established 100 years ago, its members have and continue to lead, manage, and work in or partner with organizations in more than a dozen association management disciplines, from executive management to finance to technology. With the support of the ASAE Research Foundation, a separate nonprofit entity, ASAE is the premier source of learning, knowledge, and future-oriented research for the association and nonprofit profession and provides resources, education, ideas, and advocacy to enhance the power and performance of the association and nonprofit community. Visit ASAE at